
I searched the world and found a true “Meister.” Michael Mentler, a Master of his Craft, demonstrates and analyzes the structure of the human form in all its complexity. With his schemes P.L.A.N., L.I.F.E. and G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. he captures the essence of all aspects an artist needs to understand before tackling the task of anatomy and facial construction.
Apart from his cunning and humorful anecdotes he is also a walking art lexicon 🙂
In his Workshops I learned all I need to in regards to visual problem solving.

— Ronni Zettner

Michael Mentler has singlehandedly changed my figure drawing. I had made little progress learning the figure through my studies when I first saw Michael Mentler’s approach—as he explained his technique, it dawned on me that he held the key to the deep understanding of the human figure I had been searching for. Michael teaches us to “perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye”—and in addition to drawing, he teaches us to be the master of our drawings. We need more teachers and mentors like Michael that take us beyond the issue of replicating the human figure and call our attention back to the intention, interpretation, and creativity of drawing humanity.

— Susanne Beck

Michael’s intense study of the teachings and works of Bridgman and Robert Beverly Hale make him a natural progression of that linage with the added twist of his own dynamic personal style.

— David Kassan

When five people paint the same object from the same angle, you get five very distinctive results. It’s beyond technique that distinguishes one painting from another… it’s an artist’s essence. Michael Mentler is a Master at guiding students in infusing their unique styles and emotions into the lines, colors, and choices of their creations. Michael’s breadth of knowledge and understanding of techniques far surpasses the art educators of today. Learning from Michael will transcend your work. Experiencing is believing.

— Natalie Levi

Michael’s sketchbooks are masterpieces, he is a modern day Leonardo.

— Richard Schmid

Richard’s Right.

— Dan McCaw